Ages: 6-10
Team Size: 2-6 Students
Space Required: Small, 100 sq. ft
Adult Mentors: 1-2
Meeting Length: 1 hr
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
$250 for the kit of the LEGO kit
$10-$20 T-Shirts per student
$10-$20 Poster board Presentation
Box of LEGO pieces with a season theme, with directions for any parts that need assembly
Team Meeting Guides: Packets that provide easy to follow steps for up to 12 meetings, with clear goals and instructions
Engineering Notebooks: Packets for each students of empty paper for them to keep track of their ideas and work during meetings
You’ll want a nice sturdy table that has room for 2-6 kids to build with LEGO, a place for their engineering notebooks, and pencils
Seating for the adults, parents, and kids
Hand sanitizer and wipes
Walk through exercises and challenges as outlines in the team meeting guide. This includes fun team building activities, LEGO building, brainstorming, and discussion with the kids